News — Matty Ceravolo

Ryan Williams vs Matty Ceravolo vs Billy Watts (SCOOT Game)

Posted by Captain John on

 It's always fun to watch a few top riders battle it out in a game of SCOOT. This one is played on flat by some of the Australias best riders. Not to mention Ryan Williams, who some consider to be one of the best in the world. They play on flat which makes this even funner to watch since these guys are known for their park riding. Check it out.  

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Matty Cervaolo Recovery Time

Posted by Captain John on

 Matty suffered an injury, and will be out for a while. Forcing him to release his footage a bit early, but that doesn't mean it's not good footage. I will admit I am confused as to what some of these tricks are! I bet you guys will be too, because they are insane. Check this out for sure.  

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