News — MGP

Welcome to MaddGear Brody McMaster

Posted by Captain John on

 Looks like the MGP Team just grew a little bit bigger! Brody McMaster is from Canada, and he recently was added to the MGP Family. Below is his welcome edit. Really well rounded shredder.    

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Terry Price on Tour

Posted by Captain John on

 Terry is a true legend of the sport of scootering, he was doing some of the hardest tricks in the world years before anyone else would even attempt them. Recently he traveled from his home in The UK, over to Australia for a tour of the country for MaddGear. The below edit documents that entire tour, and it looked amazing. Some awesome clips from Terry as well.    

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MGP Usa Weekend in Arizona

Posted by Captain John on

 The US MGP Team is hitting up some spots on the west coast, and Arizona was one of them. The scene out there is great, tons of young riders trying to make their way in the sport. Really awesome that MGP does demos and tours like this all the time for the kids. Check it out.    

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Matty Cervaolo Recovery Time

Posted by Captain John on

 Matty suffered an injury, and will be out for a while. Forcing him to release his footage a bit early, but that doesn't mean it's not good footage. I will admit I am confused as to what some of these tricks are! I bet you guys will be too, because they are insane. Check this out for sure.  

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Elliott Arnold MADD Edit

Posted by Captain John on

 Eliott is one of MGPs newer riders, coming from Southern California. This kid shreds it hard. Lots of sick flip stuff, and tons of combos. Definitely a fun rider to watch.  

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