
Mohamed Alsulaibi Sacrifice Web Edit 2

Posted by Captain John on

 Mohamed came out guns blazing for his second web edit for Sacrifice. The bangers were all over the place, and some of his tech combos rival some of the sports best tech riders. Definitely gonna want to check this one out.  

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Flashback Friday: Jon Reyes Flat Edit 2

Posted by Captain John on

 After the immediate success of Jon's first Flat Edit, people wanted MORE! When Flat Edit 2 dropped, people realized that Jon was leagues ahead of anyone else in the flat ground game. Check it out for yourself below!    

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Dissidence USA Edit

Posted by Captain John on

 The guys who run Dissidence from France recently came down to ride and help set up Dissidence USA. Dissidence USA will be distributing a bunch of new brands here in the USA, including the long awaited Ethic products. But this video is all about the riding. The guys shred the East Coast streets like there's no tomorrow. So many insane rail clips. Check this out nowww.  

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Evan Larson Phoenix Five

Posted by Captain John on

 Evan Larson dropped some hot clips recently of him riding the new Phoenix Session Deck. The deck looks like it might be one of the best on the market. Seems to have everything that every rider wants in a deck. Solid clips from Evan as usual, such a dialed rider.    

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Alpha Omega AZ Tour 2012

Posted by Captain John on

 The AO Team went somewhere a little warmer this winter, Arizona. And while they were there they stacked gnarly clip after gnarly clip. So many bangers throughout the video, and the bail at the end was pretty funny haha. This is well worth the watch.    

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